Protect Your Health
Discover How to Easily Assess the Stiffness of Your arteries
You are right, not much, or rather nothing at all. But, if something NEW appears on the market, yet Valuable to YOU and Your Health, Herbs Natura wants to be part of the news.
Together with parnter), we want to Inform You about the latest health remedy, proven and backed by researchers, which you can use already today, even if this is a technology type of remedy.
But, by now, you might wonder why arteries, why heart disease and why you Reason is simple:
Everyone Including you could Develop Clogged Arteries, Without Even Knowing It!
Why would you have clogged arteries in the first place?
Healthy arteries or blood vessels are flexible, soft and they have as a job to carry your blood smoothly together with oxygen throughout your body.
The unhealthy arteries are stiffer because they have a built-up plaque on the inside of their walls. Plaque that accumulates on the inner walls of your arteries is made from different substances such as fat, cholesterol, fat, fibrin and calcium. As a result, natural blood flow is being reduced which causes a big pressure on your heart and can cause lots of problems.
This is called: Clogged arteries, medicinally known as atherosclerosis.
Plaque inside the walls of your arteries often starts to develop during childhood. Clogged arteries develop in middle age or late. Basically, any adult can have clogged arteries, without even knowing it.
Here are the most common symptoms of clogged arteries
- Chest pain
- Tingling in your shoulder or your arm
- Dizziness
- Heart palpitations
- Sweating
When symptoms occur, you should react fast.
What is the cause of having clogged arteries?
Major contributors to arterial plaque formation are:
- High BAD cholesterol and low GOOD cholesterol
- High Blood Pressure
- Cigarette Smoke
- Eating too much / being overweight
- Drinking / Smoking too much
- Increased Stress
You might wonder how dangerous it is?
Simply put, clogged arteries will significantly increase the chance of you having heart disease which can lead to having stroke or heart attack.
This is valid for both, those people who think they might be overweight and those people who believe they are fit. Clogged arteries, stroke or heart attack can happen to anyone and regardless of your age or your weight.
Do You Suffer from Clogged Arteries? Are You Concern about the accumulated plaque on the inside of the wall of your arteries?
Herbs Natura wants to believe that with a healthy diet combined with a regular exercise, you can naturally and safely balance your health. Also, you can get your arteries back in a flexible and unclogged state, thus making sure as much as you can chance to get heart disease or a stroke are at its minimum.
However, you cannot rely 100% only on diet and exercise. There is also stress to mention, daily worries and unexpected life surprises which all have a negative influence, on the health of your arteries and heart.
To follow-up and adjust your ideal diet plan according to your personal needs and to make sure that your arteries are getting better, you can either make frequent visits to your doctor, or you can opt for an additional medical or home support, such as Bio-Clip Cuff.
How this little insignificantly looking device may help you, or someone you know?
A proven way to assess the stiffness of your arteries is to measure the speed of your pulse waves and that way find out what is the elasticity of your arteries. When the pulse waves become quicker it means that your arteries are getting stiffer. And this is exactly what this small device does!
Bio-Clip Cuff quickly and accurately informs you about the elasticity and the stiffness of your arteries, so you can react fast.
As you can see it on the video above, the Bio-Clip Cuff is really easy to use. It is specially designed for home use, it is accurate and easy to attach to your arm. All you need to do is press the start key and you will have instant information about the stiffness of your arteries.
Bio-Clip Cuff Benefits
- It assess arterial stiffness by measuring your pulse wave velocity
- It shows your current resting heart pulse rate
- It shows your symbolic blood and diastolic blood pressures
- Regular monitoring allows you to keep track of any changes you make
- Quick and easy to use
- It monitors the health of your arteries
- Easy to use in the comfort of your own home
- It is inexpensive proven to work latest technology
- Reduces your doctor’s visits (a relief, especially if you are far from paramdics)
You would love this product because it can buy you peace of mind and free you from constant worry about the stiffness of your arteries.
Your heart is the foundation of your body, and taking good care of it-such as constant follow up-can help you live an active and longer life. Thanks to latest technology you can tart testing your arterial stiffness and your cardiovascular health withYour Own Bio-Clip Cuff.
For only $179.99 you can save many trips to your doctors and always assess and follow-up the health of your arteries while sitting at your own home.
Avoid discomfort of unknown
Here’s what you need to do:Discover Here How Really Bio-Clip Cuff can Help You