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Herbal Remedies for fertility

Common Misconceptions About Herbal Remedies

The two worlds of science and nature seem to have found a happy medium with the rise of bio herbs and herbal supplements. Plants have always been a fixture of healing, providing cures for centuries before modern medicine ever did.

Wheatgrass Benefits

Wheatgrass Superb Health Benefits

Just like most plants, Wheatgrass is packed with plenty of nutrients the body needs to attain optimum health. It is a powerful source of over a hundred nutrients, making it one of the go-to ingredients for supplementary drinks. Wheatgrass contains amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, and essential minerals. It has vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, I, and K. It also contains a high level of chlorophyll, which is an important blood builder.

Can Dark Chocolate Help You Deal with Depression?

Depression is a serious condition of the mind that needs to be treated properly. However, chocolate can go a long way in the treatment. This is mainly due to the compounds present in chocolate.

Acai Berry Benefits

Acai Berry

Acai contains valuable fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 which speeds up your metabolism thus supports your weight loss process. Also, many report a vast improvement in their skin complexion when using Acai berries. The skin naturally glows regardless of your age or sex.

Chia Pudding

Chia Discovery – Suppress Appetite

Chia is a new popular South American grain doctors, nutritionists and experts are talking. Chia, meaning “strength” in Mayan, are whole grain nutrient dense foods with an excellent source of energy.