My new “friend” has finally arrived, a prehistoric and one of the oldest culinary tool, mortar and pestle. :) Just the other day, I was looking around Ikea’s kitchen section (image right from Ikea), when I spotted a tool I always wanted to have in my kitchen, a mortar and pestle, a tool for bashing and…
Black Maca Root Powder
Maca root varies in colour from white to black, but the three commonly recognized groups are black maca, red and yellow
How to Lower High Blood Pressure in Two Weeks (even if it’s 180/113)
High blood pressure. Silent (or not) condition, indicating that something isn’t right with your health and a sign that you need to take actions. NOW.
Coconut oil for hair growth and how to utilize it
Why coconut oil can aid your hair grow faster? This writing clarify how-to implement it to hair, and provide some general advice for by using this amazing natural oil on your hair to you.
Why You Should Avoid Diet Pills And Turn To Natural Fat Burners
Do you dream that you will melt away the pounds, be fit and increase energy levels without taking care of what you eat, or do too much exercise? Do you think that there are magically packed erasers of pounds in a small pill or powder?
Weight Loss – The 3 Week Diet That Works
New weight loss program allows dieters to lose 12-23 Pounds in Just 21 days, what they would normally need 2 to 3 months to lose! The program, which is being called “The 3 Week Diet,” was developed by Brian Flatt, an experienced nutritionist and personal trainer from Southern California.