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Ginseng Root Benefits by Herbs Natura

Korean vs American Ginseng – Which One to Use?

In general, ginseng has been used to stimulate both physical and mental activity, improve endocrine gland function, to enhance sex glands especially when it comes to treating erectile dysfunction in men, boost energy, reduce stress and to enhance the immune system.

Cocoa Tree Health Benefits

The biggest slip-up about cocoa

In the Mayan culture, cocoa was “the food of the gods.” They used cocoa as food and as a medicine. In Europe, cocoa was first brought by Cortes in 1528. At first, it was consumed as a bitter drink and much later (17th century) it became popular when mixed with milk and sugar.

Spirulina Health and Nutritional Benefits

Off To A Good Start With Spirulina

Spirulina is a natural protein supplement made from nutritionally dense blue-green algae that grow naturally in subtropical lakes. This alkaline-green protein food is almost the best single food source on the planet. The protein found in spirulina is a complete protein, meaning it contains all essential amino acids.

Turmeric Benefits

7 Turmeric Benefits You Should Know

Turmeric, The “spice of life.” Turmeric contains gum, starch, minerals, cellulose, volatile oil and a yellow colourant. In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is used to strengthen the overall energy of the body. Recent claims are that curcumin’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions may be useful in preventing Alzheimer’s dementia and Parkinson’s disease.