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Maca Root Dictionary

Maca Benefits
Maca Root


An adaptogen is a safe substance and a powerful antioxidant found in natural herbs. The term adaptogen was created by Dr Nicolai Lazarev in 1947. The adaptogens have qualities to help the body adapt to stress, restore energy and nourish the body according to individual needs. In addition, adaptogens support the adrenal glands. This endocrine system helps the body increase its ability to defend itself against physical and mental weakening and rebuild the weak immune system. Maca belongs to a group of natural adaptogens.

Adrenal Glands

Adrenal glands are responsible for releasing hormones concerning stress. They are triangular shaped, located on the top of both kidneys, affecting kidney function. Each gland has a medulla surrounded by the cortex. The adrenal cortex produces other hormones necessary for fluid and electrolyte balance. Adrenal glands also make sex hormones.


The name “alkaloid” comes from the Arabic word for ash (or “ashes of plants”) “al-qali.” Alkaloids are natural organic compounds, and they mostly contain nitrogen basis. These alkaloids are found in most plants, used since ancient times for therapeutic purposes.

Amino Acids

Protein substances make up the organs, glands, nails, hair and muscles. Amino acids are building blocks of proteins, making up 75% of the human body. There are 20 amino acids. Humans can produce 10 of 20 amino acids. The others must be supplied in the food. Amino acids that must be obtained from the diet are called “Essential Amino Acids. The amino acids are arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. These amino acids are required in a daily diet. Humans do not store amino acids, which is why amino acids must be in our food daily.


Andropause is a term used for male menopause. Male menopause is recognized by a drop in testosterone hormone levels. Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for creating sperm, sex drive and providing muscle strength. The changes men will experience when in andropause are: loss of energy, low sex drive, inability to have a strong erection, decreased muscle tone, night sweats, depression, and changes in moods and attitudes. The drop in hormone levels appears around middle age. However, according to research, not all men will go through andropause. The reasons for that are still unclear.


Antioxidants are molecules which prevent and repair the damage done by free radicals. Free radicals are produced when our body breaks down food or, under stress, are exposed to pollution or alcohol. Free radicals can damage cells which leads to diseases. Antioxidants protect our sales from damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants are found in fruits, fish, grains, nuts and vegetables.


Aphrodisiac comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of beauty, sexuality and love. Aphrodisiac is a drug, food, plant, or a substance that stimulate and enhance sexual behavior. Aphrodisiacs boost sexual desire and improve sex life in both men and women.

Artificial Fertilizers

Artificial fertilizers are chemicals or minerals that nurture the soil and support plant growth. They are produced through chemical processes. The processes to create artificial fertilizers use potassium and sulfur from the salt mine and nitrogen from ammonia from natural gases.


Erection is a sexual response in both men and women. In men, erection is when the penis becomes enlarged and firm. The erection happens when either increased blood flow enters the penis or muscular contracting. When a man is stimulated by touch or mentally, blood flow increases to his penis. In women, the clitoris gets aroused when sexually aroused. Even though built differently than the penis and clitoris, nipples can also become erect. When nipples are stimulated by touch or cold temperatures, they get erect.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is male impotence. It means not being able to develop or maintain an erection of the penis for sexual performance. Reasons for having erectile dysfunction can be health-related, injury, medications or side effects of alcohol or drugs.

Fatty Acids

Fatty acids are “good fats” produced when fats are broken down. There are different fatty acids. Omega-3 (found in fish and nuts oil) is the most known. Fatty acids are essential to a healthy diet for keeping skin healthy. In addition, they play a vital role in brain function growth and development, help prevent early aging, help rid the arteries of cholesterol build-up, and keep solid organs and tissue. They are found in oils and other fats.


Dietary fiber is a nutrient found in the diet. Fiber is made up of non-starch polysaccharides. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Both types of fiber are present in all plant foods. Soluble fiber benefits are: regulating sugar intake reduces cholesterol. Soluble fibers are found in beans, broccoli, grapes, apple, spinach, and others. Insoluble fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, and nuts, and its benefits are: it promotes regular bowel movement and speeds up the elimination of toxic waste through the colon.


Gelatinization is the process of converting into gelatinous form. Starch gelatinization in for example Maca root removes most of the starch from maca root to make it easier to digest.


The glucosinolates are organic sulfur compounds/nutrients found in cruciferous crops such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and turnips. These nutrients are actually antioxidants, found to be very effective in helping boost protection against certain cancers like colon, stomach, prostate, and rectal. Among all other cruciferous vegetables, maca root (Lepidium meyenii) is found to have the highest level of glucosinolates.


The hormone comes from a word that means “to spur on.” Hormones are chemicals released by a cell or a gland. For example, men produce hormones in their testes, and women have them in their ovaries. Once released, hormones send messages that affect cells in other body parts. For example, there are two types of hormones known as steroids-sex hormones and peptides-regulate sleep and sugar concentration.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones play an essential role in your health and your overall well-being. When there is too little or too much of a particular hormone in one’s body, this is called a hormonal imbalance. When the level of hormones swings, this can affect female and male mood, sexual desire, and fertility. In women, this can mean an unbalanced level of the two most important hormones, estrogen, and progesterone. In men, the testosterone hormone plays an essential role in male health.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment for women going through menopause or those in a pre-menopause state. Hormone replacement therapy involves taking in small amounts of estrogen and or progesterone hormones to ease symptoms of menopause, thus replacing the hormone that the natural aging process takes away.


Libido (Lat., =lust) means sexual desire or an individual’s need to engage in sexual activity. Sigmund Freud defined libido as the instinctual sexual energy or force of which “conscious activity is the expression.” Carl Gustav Jung, a psychiatrist, identifies libido as psychic energy. When men and women experience a lack of sex drive, they have low or lack libido.


Longevity = the length of life. The Free Dictionary explains longevity as the years an average person of a particular age is expected to continue living. It is determined by statistical tables based on mortality rates of various population groups.

Macamides and Macaenes

Macaenes and macamides are two groups of novel compounds found in maca root. They are believed to give Maca its powerful aphrodisiac and stamina effects.


The term menopause (for women) is derived from meno (month, menses) and pausis (pause, cessation), thus meaning a delay in menstruation. The average age of menopause in women is generally from age 40 to 58 years of age. However, some women reach menopause in their thirties and some in their late sixties.


Non-toxic plants are generally those plants that are not harmful, not poisonous, chemically free, grown, cultivated, and produced without fertilizers.

Peak Performance

Peak performance refers to an individual ability to achieve desired highest or maximum level of set personal goals (able to do one’s best). This term mainly relates to sports activities and the best physical state.

Pituitary Gland

The pituitary gland, located in the skull’s center, is vital for the entire endocrine system balance (it secretes endorphins and controls ovulation and the menstrual cycle in women). Maca helps nourish and stimulate the pituitary gland.


Protodioscin (furostanol saponin) is an active sterodial ingredient found in plants such as Tribilus terrestris (gikshura). This compound act as a natural precursor to sex hormones. When extracted, it produces pro-erectile effects and aphrodisiac action and dramatically and safely increases sex drive in both men and women.


Proteins are compounds made of amino acids. They are fundamental building blocks of the body used to make living things. During digestion, proteins are broken down by enzymes in the stomach to provide amino acids for the organism.

Raw Maca

Raw Maca is the Lepidium Meyenii vegetable root in its natural and non-processed state.

Semen and Sperm Count

Semen is a white or greyish liquid released from the tube in the penis (urethra) on ejaculation. The purpose of semen is for reproduction. Semen consists of the secretions of several glands. Usually, each milliliter of semen contains millions of spermatozoa (sperm). Sperm count measures the concentration of sperm in a man’s ejaculate (how many sperm are contained in a man’s semen). The sperm count is usually an indicator of male fertility.


Sterols are naturally present in plants (fruits and vegetables, nuts). Synonyms for plant sterols are phytosterols. Among other benefits, sterols can help lower cholesterol.


Superfood is a term used to describe food nutritionally highly potent and with health benefits. Superfoods are natural and often contain many vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber.


Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the male testis (women’s ovaries make some testosterone hormone, too). In a healthy grown man, the testosterone hormone builds muscles, helps maintain energy levels, boosts a healthy libido, and plays an essential role in puberty. In addition, the testosterone hormone plays a crucial role in aging. As men age, their testes often produce less testosterone than during adolescence.”