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How to plan a detox to suit yourself

Detoxification is a process of eliminating toxins from the body. We all are detoxifying our body on a daily basis, without even knowing that. We breathe in oxygen, and breathe out toxins. We cry, and through our emotional tears we are eliminating toxins. We sweat and we get read of toxins (at the same time we clean our skin). We eliminate our toxins through daily and regular bowl movement. All this is done naturally. Of course this is an ideal picture of how our system should work.

However, with increasing daily stress we all go through, worries, emotional pain, fear, anger as well as external toxins such as pollution, household cleaning chemicals, pesticides, smoke, heavy metals, and drugs, all this lead to an improper diet where our system starts to clog and the natural detox process starts to get completely messed up which results in the creation of different kind of diseases.

The first signs that our body needs detoxification are unexplained tiredness, irregular bowel movement, irritability, lack of motivation and a very frequent mood switch.

A simple diet change can solve the basic first symptoms. However, if the first symptoms are neglected and we let toxins affect our organs on a long run, a thorough detox plan need to be applied in order to avoid possible and very serious disease: like colon infections (colon cleanse), liver (liver detox), skin (acne) disease, heart problems, indigestion and so on.

Detox benefits

After a detox diet, people often report clearer skin, improved metabolism and bowel movement, increased energy, increased concentration and clarity, and better mood.

Detox side effects

Common side effects often reported are headaches for the first few days when caffeine is withdrawn, constipation (if you are using too much fiber and too little water), diarrhea, (can lead to dehydration and electrolyte loss), tiredness, acne, weight loss, and irritability. If a detox diet is continued for a longer period of time, please consult your practitioner for advice, so you make sure your body is not in a deficit of any kind of valuable nutrition.

Basic Detox Diet Plan

There are many different types of detox diets, but these are basic steps toward a more thorough detox process and a healthier lifestyle.

  • Food rich in fiber: beets, garlic, broccoli and all green vegetables
  • Plenty of liquid (water, juices with no additives), especially lemon water
  • Fresh fruits
  • Grains such as buckwheat and quinoa
  • Beans: kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas
  • Nuts and seeds: flaxseeds are must, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts. All these without salt!
  • Tea: herbal teas especially green tea

Herbs to consider when going through a detox process

Most commonly used are Milk Thistle and Dandelion”>Dandellion.
Good to know: It is highly recommended to always consult a doctor if not sure about the detox diet. Especially important for people currently using medications, pregnant or nursing mothers should first talk to their practitioner about the detox diet.