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Buy Acai

On the market, one can buy Acai in juice, pulp or powder form, as an extract or supplement.

Acai berry pulp

The benefits of the Acai Berries can also be found in the Acai Powder. It is made by freeze drying the Acai Berry pulp. This means that the pulp is dried, and then frozen quickly (to retain as many nutrients as possible) and then made into powder. The powder maintains the same nutrition as fresh berries.

Acai berries in powdered form can be prepared as smoothies in the morning or late afternoon. It is enough to mix a cup of soya milk, or juice with a spoon of Acai and have it as a refreshing morning energizer which helps you regulate your metabolism and give you some extra energy.

Acai capsules

The capsules are filled with freeze-dried powder of Acai. Acai in capsule form is easy for consumption.

PS: Before buying Acai berry from an online seller there are a few aspects still to be looked into:

  • Check the background of the company
  • Do not order if they offer you for free Acai, it is a big FRAUD
  • Do not give in advance your credit card info
  • Many use celebrities’ names (such as Oprah or Dr Oz) as their product endorsers. Do not trust it is another big FRAUD
  • Avoid signing up anything for a monthly shipment
  • Make sure the label says the product is freeze-dried
Acai Berry Juice Benefits
Acai Berry