Catuaba (Erythroxylum catuaba) is an excellent non-addictive Brazilian indigenous plant used for hundreds of years as a true tonic for genitals, to improve sexual dysfunction, impotence, frigidity and to treat insomnia.
The Catuaba bark is a medium-sized tree with orange and yellow flowers and fruit.
The catuaba fruit is not edible. The bark has antibacterial and antiviral activities and contains alkaloids (catuabine A, B and C), aromatic oils, fatty resins, tannings and phytosterols.
Catuaba can be used as a tea made from catuaba bark or it can be bought in capsules.
Catuaba benefits
- Increases libido
- Treat impotence
- Used as main aphrodisiac
- Reduces anxiety
- Improves memory
- Calms the nerves
- Treat sciatica
- Tonic for overall health
- Treat frigidity
- Relieves pain
One of the easiest and most efficient ways to enjoy the benefits of catuaba bark is in a tea form. Recommended dosage of catuaba bark tea is three cups a day. This amount is more than enough to achieve satisfactory results, especially when it comes to increasing sexual desire, improve erectile dysfunction or restoring sex drive.
Please note: before using new herbs you should discuss with your doctor.