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Detox juice

Nutrients from raw fruits and vegetables do not need a long digestive process, they quickly release their healing properties throughout your body. That is why drinking fresh juice can cure what troubles you quickly.

Detox carrot juice

Different fruits and vegetables have their own healing properties and vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates work on certain organs and diseases. I find this juice very refreshing and especially effective when it comes to detox diet and preparing detox juices.

Carrots are rich in carotene (among other compounds) and they are an excellent source of antioxidant compounds which help protect against cancer or cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, lettuce aids digestion which is important during the detox process, plus it promotes liver health (the darker green the leaves the more nutritious).

The lettuce is also very rich in fiber (excellent for waste elimination), vitamins and phytonutrients.

Apples are a good source of pectin (fiber, vitamins c and natural antioxidants) and with the pulp they help reduce the acid crystal deposits which form around body joints, thus relieving the pain of arthritis. And fresh cucumber juice can provide relief from stomach acid, ulcers and gastritis.


  • 4 Carrots
  • 2 Apples
  • 150 gr. Green salad (lettuce)
  • ½ Cucumber

Wash well all ingredients and according to your juicer abilities start making a delicious and nutritious detox drink.

This juice is an excellent combination when it comes to detox diet especially to stimulate the colon.

Good to know: even though they can be refrigerated, juices are best consumed fresh. That means a daily squeeze and daily use of your great juicer is better for your health.